
You can stream game, webcam, tutorial... to Facebook live now without smartphone. Here is tutorial can  do it with facebook web.

STEP 1: Download and setup Open Broadcaster Software:
First you need download application to make video source. I recommend Open Broadcaster Software. It is an opnensource..
Download :Windows - Mac OS X - Linux .
Setup application on your os.
STEP 2: Get StreamKey  Facebook Live
Login your Facebook account on any browser, and then click "Create Live" on menu bar will open a new web popup. If you use Adblock or any popup blocker, please disable it or  allows popup on this site. 

Select the object you want to live (on your Timeline, Group or Fanpage...), then click Next.

New popup is open.The status is offline because not config Video source

Copy "Server URL" and "Stream Key". Don't close popup
STEP 3: Run app "Open Broadcaster Software (OBS Studio)" was installed earlier.

Source video can select from webcam, image, screen,...
Goto File > Setting > Tab Stream > Stream Type >Select " Custom Streaming Server"
Patse "Server URL" and "Stream Key" and Press "OK"

Return main windows of OBS app:
Press "Start Streaming" and return Get Stream Key web popup windows. 
Wait a few seconds, you can see " Go Live" button is active.
You can see preview with content of stream.
Enter information of Video Title, Video tags, status... and press "Go Live"
Now video is live


  1. There is no "go live" option on desktops............

  2. There is no "go live" option on desktops............

  3. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
    Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
    You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
    Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.

  4. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
    Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
    You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
    Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.
